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Dr. Wang Weijia met with Professor Howard Gardner
Time:2015/7/1 8:55:38  

Professor Gardner elaborated the background and theoretical basis of "multiple intelligence theory" firstly, then gave analysis and guidance of Qiyuan’s education core concept “touch their hearts ,teach them what they need” according to the education concept of different national conditions and the use of "Multiple Intelligences Theory" teaching practice in many countries of the world. What’s more, Professor Gardner recommend The New City School in Saint Louis, Missouri, USA, a well-known international school in central Boston and an international kindergarten in Italy to Qriental Qiyuan Shunshi Education Institute , all the schools have put "multiple intelligence theory" into practice for many years. Professor Gardner’s humorous and informative exposition has many similar points with the “Shunshi Education’ and creating conditions to promote the advantages of each student’s development of potential and personality as well as keep comprehensive and harmonious development in Qiyuan.

At the end of the communication, Professor Gardner wrote a letter to Qiyuan teachers and students:
I am very pleased to have learned about your school—the philosophy
,the curriculum ,the many “in school ” and “ after school’’ activities that are available ,the achievement of the teachers and the students ,and the recognition you’ve received in China and beyond.
We live at an exciting time , but also a time which is uncertain and where change occur very quickly ,it’s important to prepared as much as possible .but also to be flexible and to continue learning as long as you are alive.
Use your multiple intelligence to do good work in your community and to help solve the problems of today work .
Good luck !                 
Howard Gardner.

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