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Dr. Wang Weijia met with Professor Howard Gardner
Time:2015/7/1 8:55:38  

                          Dr. Wang Weijia met with Professor Howard Gardner
          Qriental “Shunshi Education” meets western “theory of Multiple Intelligences”

In July 23rd, in the Harvard University campus , Dr. Wang Weijia, the chairman of Qriental Qiyuan Shunshi Education Institute ,the first person to put forward "Shunshi Education" in global, the Researcher of Educator College,Beijing Normal University, visited Professor Howard Gardner ,The world famous educational psychologist ,Father of the theory of Multiple Intelligences.  They have a further communication about the application of multiple intelligences theory in the teaching of education and the exploration of the development of “Shunshi  Education” is used into students.

United States time July 23, 2016 at 10 am , Professor Howard Gardner  warmly received Dr.Wang Weijia  and her assistant Lee Sonia (Li Shuo), etc in his office. Dr.Wang Weijia express deep feelings of reverence to Professor Howard Gardner and give him a set of exquisite porcelain , Ruci, one of the Chinese famous chinas .

During the talking, Dr.Wang Wei Jia, introduced how Qiyuan Shunshi Education Institute take use of the Chinese philosopher Lao Zi's "homeopathy" and educator Confucius's thought of "individualized" and multiple intelligences theory in students’ education by PowerPoint. Professor Howard Gardner listened carefully and watched photos of Qiyuan students and teachers .when he heard that Qriental Qiyuan Shunshi Education has purchased 123kindergarten in July 2014 , the largest kindergarten in New Jersey north Jersey, USA and cooperated with Yale University .Professor Gardner got a further understanding of the cooperation and gave highly recognition .

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